Transportation Resources
Free Santa Maria Regional Transit Pass with Bulldog Go!
Please reach out to the Basic Needs Center at or call ext. 3927 with any questions.
Allan Hancock College has partnered with the Santa Maria Regional Transit (SMRT), formerly the Santa Maria Area Transit (SMAT), to offer free student bus passes to all currently enrolled Allan Hancock College students active for the term they are enrolled in.
The Bulldog Go Pass! allows students to travel on the SMRT and the Breeze.
Read below for more information about this program.
How do I ride?
Follow these steps to ride the SMRT bus for free!
- Download the SMRTPAY app on the App Store or Google Play
- Sign in using your email address
- Click the "Tickets" tab at the bottom.
- Swipe one screen over to view the QR Code for your free bus pass!
- Show this pass to the bus drivers to ride for free!
The Bulldog Go! SMRT pass is activated for students who are enrolled by the start of the term and is updated at the first of every month for late registrations. Students have to remain enrolled in at least one course for the entire term in order to take advantage of this free pass.
Students registered for Spring 2025 by December 31, 2024 and remain registered will have an active SMRT pass from JANUARY 1 – MAY 31.
Students registered for Summer 2025 by end of May and remain registered will have an active SMRT pass from JUNE 1 – AUGUST 29.
Students registered for Fall 2025 by July 30, 2025 and remain registered will have an active SMRT pass from AUGUST 1 – DECEMBER 31.
Via the new SMRT Pay mobile ticketing app, students can ride anywhere SMRT buses go and anytime they operate. The SMRT Pay mobile ticketing app is available for download on the App Store and Google Play. With friendly drivers and a safe environment — and now free rides — SMRT is a great option for travelers headed to and from campus. Students can use the Bulldog Go! app to get to the library or take advantage of other on-campus study spaces. Plus, there’s comfortable seating, real-time bus information and free Wi-Fi service to make the ride even better. Bikes and skateboards on the buses are welcome!
The free rides are made possible through the college's partnership with SMRT’s Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP). Funding for Bulldog Go! comes from an air quality grant that provides public transit support for projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility while ensuring access to higher education opportunities for the community.
Please note that this program is only for the SMRT Bus and Breeze Bus and does not include the Guadalupe Smooth Flyer, RTA, or COLT services.
Having issues accessing the Bulldog Go! Buss Pass?
Students having issues with the SMRT App and accessing the Bulldog Go! Buss Pass,
are highly encouraged to contact the City of Santa Maria Transit to report the issues
Contact Eustaquio Valdez, 805- 925-0951, ext. 2170.
Tips to troubleshooting your SMRT App:
1. Ensure you are entering your Hancock email correctly. Student emails end with ""
2. If issues continue, refresh and restart the SMRT App and/or delete the app and redownload
before attempting to login again
Reminder: Students must be enrolled in the current semester to utilize the Bulldog Go! Pass.
The app is updated on a weekly basis to reflect current enrollment.
The City of Santa Maria Transit Representative, Eustaquio Valdez, 805- 925-0951, ext. 2170 is available to support and answer questions regarding the following:
- BREEZ bus route questions
- SMRT bus route questions
The Basic Needs Center provides ADA bus passes to students who have completed their
ADA forms for SMRT.
Proof of approval is required for enrolled students to recieve an SMRT ADA bus pass.
Please visit SMRT ADA Services to download and complete the SMRT ADA application or visit the Basic Needs Center
for help printing out the application.
SMRT's new microtransit service allows access to flexible, on-demand transportation services. Community members can book their trip through the 'SMRT Micro' App.
Hours of Operation
This pilot service provides service on weekday evenings from 8:30 pm- 10:30 pm.
How it works
1. You download the 'SMRT Micro' app through your app store
2. Create an account
3. Book your trip
This service is convenient for students who have late classes or work in the evenings.
Students must coordinate their ride in advance and can be pick-up and dropped in front
of their residence.
More information about SMRT Micro.
Questions? Contact the Basic Needs Office at or (805) 922-6966 ext. 3927
Additional Bus Passes
Riding in Lompoc
For student experiencing financial hardships, Basic Needs can assist students with
emergency funding to purchase Colt Bus Passes.
Cost of COLT Passes:
- Colt Monthly Passes within city limits cost $30.00
- Colt Monthly Passes outside city limits cost $45.00
*Please be aware that your pass starts ticking immediately upon purchasing.
Students can purchase Colt passes at the following locations:
- Allan Hancock College, Lompoc Valley Center, Administration Building, campus cashier
- Anderson Recreation Center, 125 West Walnut Avenue
- COLT, 1300 West Laurel Avenue
COLT Night Service for AHC, LVC Campus!
Buses depart the Lompoc campus at 8:10 p.m., 8:40 p.m., 9:10 p.m., and 9:40 p.m. Monday through Thursday and drop students off at their Lompoc residence. Normal COLT fares apply. For more information call 736-7666.
Guadalupe Smooth
For student experiencing financial hardships, Basic Needs can assist students with
emergency funding to purchase Guadalupe Bus Passes.
Where can I purchase my Guadalupe Smooth Pass?
Guadalupe bus passes can purchases on the bus, at the Finance Department Office or
at the SMOOTH office located on 240 E. Roemer Way, Santa Maria.
Guadalupe student passes cost $25.
*Please be aware that your pass starts ticking immediately upon purchasing.
RTA Bus Passes- To be eligible to receive an RTA bus pass, the actively enrolled student must live in SLO County. For more information about the RTA bus pass and its bus routes, please visit
If you are a student commuting from San Luis Obispo County, you may complete the Basic Needs Intake to be assessed for an RTA Bus Pass.
Other Transportation Resources
California Low Cost Auto Insurance Program
Find out if you're eligible for low cost auto insurance through the CLCA by clicking the link above or by speaking to a local representative.
"California’s Low Cost Automobile (CLCA) Insurance program was established by the Legislature in 1999 and exists (pursuant to California Insurance Code Section 11629.7) as a program designed to provide income-eligible, good drivers with liability insurance protection at affordable rates as a way to meet California’s mandatory auto insurance law.
California’s Low Cost Auto (CLCA) Insurance Program is a state-sponsored program that makes insurance affordable for California residents who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of immigration status.
The CLCA Insurance program is brought to you by the California Department of Insurance and is administered by the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan (CAARP)."
The Bureau of Automotive Repair’s (BAR) Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) offers eligible consumers repair assistance and vehicle retirement options to help improve California's air quality. Learn More Here
Repair Assistance
Eligible consumers may receive up to $1,200 in emissions-related repairs at a STAR test-and-repair station if their vehicle fails its biennial Smog Check inspection.
Vehicle Retirement
Eligible consumers may receive either $1,500 or $1,000 to retire their operational vehicle at a BAR-contracted dismantler site.
Electrify Your Ride Incentive Program
Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) is excited to share the launch of the 3CE Electric Vehicle Incentive Program for eligible customers to offset costs associated with purchasing or leasing a new or used electric vehicle (EV) in enrolled communities in the counties of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo.
Income-qualified customers are eligible for increased incentives. 3CE believes programs like Electrify Your Ride are an opportunity to make clean vehicles more affordable and accessible to our income-qualified community. See if you qualify below:
- You are currently enrolled in PG&E’s California Alternate Rates for Energy Programs (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) – OR –
- You are currently enrolled in the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)