Campus Construction Updates
Construction in Progress
baseball/softball changing facilities
This project will construct new changing facilities for the baseball and softball programs. The facilities will be located adjacent to the existing restrooms at the ball fields.
orfalea Children's center - lab school LVC
A new play yard will be constructed to provide outdoor learning space for children enrolled at Hancock College's Orfalea Children's Center -Lab School. This construction project is for the Lompoc Valley Center campus.
Solar project
Solar arrays will be installed on the Santa Maria campus. They will be located in five parking lots throughout the campus.
Upcoming Projects
baseball/softball parking lot, safety lighting and drainage
This project will construct a parking lot for baseball/softball fields. The project also includes safety lighting and drainage.
A new building is required for Facilities grounds and custodial operations. These departments were housed in O-300 that has since been demolitioned and they are currently located at south campus. This building will include 2 offices, a breakroom, and multiple storage areas for equipment and miscellaneous supplies.
Future Projects
Football Field Improvements
The football field improvements will include a new building for a team showering facility and changing room near the football field.
technology center
This project will provide a modern technology center with open access computer labs and other computer technology-based instructional equipment. In addition, the Information Technology Services department offices will relocate to this new facility.
building h renovation
This existing facility is planned for renovation. The new space will include expansion of Campus Graphics. It will also provide permanent space for the Veteran Success Center in a location that is adjacent to the Student Center and Student Services offices in the One Stop Student Service Center.
Physical plant service lvc
This project at the Lompoc Valley Center constructs a new 14,948 gross square foot building with a maintenance yard to store grounds and facilities services equipment. This will require a covered area for equipment with power sources for electric vehicle charging. Facilities operates from a 2,417 square foot space located within building 3, the science building, which was constructed in 1999. Grounds equipment storage has taken over an area that was intended for the arts program. The Lompoc Valley Center has now grown from 65,464 square feet to a total of 170,000 square feet of building space with the completion of the Public Safety Training Center. Therefore, this project will provide adequate space for custodial, grounds, maintenance, shipping and receiving, mail room, and warehouse services.
Public safety training complex expansion lvc
This project will improve and add to the functionality of the outdoor training facilities at the Public Safety Training Complex at the Lompoc campus. The improvements include paving expansion at the scenario buildings, restrooms for the outdoor training area, and expansion of the fire technology simulated street area.
amphitheater lvc
The 300 seat Lompoc Valley Center Amphitheater will be a unique venue for events, instructional performances, and commencement ceremonies and would provide a signature outdoor gathering and learning space. The recommended location will help to integrate the Public Safety Training Complex with the original campus precinct. Great care and sensitivity to the environment should inform the design of the amphitheater. It is intended to be nestled into the existing site contours with the minimum amount of grading needed to achieve the design intent. The design solution should respect and use the many beautiful oak and eucalyptus trees and the other special character defining elements. Additional oak trees could be planted to screen and embrace the site. The design should be inspired by the natural beauty of the campus and should emphasize the appropriate use of local materials, such as stone and wood, in the construction of the amphitheater and site work. This facility would have the infrastructure and technology to support audio/visual systems and provide lighting for night time use.
Completed Projects
Fine Arts Complex
This new building has 52,260 assignable square feet (asf). The Fine Arts Complex consolidates the fine arts instructional facilities. The complex provides adjacency of spaces to facilitate interaction between disciplines, shared spaces such as computer labs for better space utilization, a technology network, and adequate ventilation/electrical power required to meet the needs of the current and expected growth of programs. The final building includes 47,044 asf laboratory, 5,096 asf office, and 366 asf of other spaces
The architectural contract for the college's Fine Arts Complex was granted to DLR Group. Under the proposed schedule, officials anticipate the project to be complete by fall 2022.
See More Information on Fine Arts Complex
The PCPA costume and prop shop has been relocated from building O-300 to the new Stagecraft building. This new building provides offices and work areas for carpenters and costume designers.
Student Health services
This building is approximately 4000 sq. ft. and includes the student health center, a food pantry and a student "clothing closet." The new building is located at the north end of campus.
baseball/softball concessions stand
This building provides a new concession stand that supports events at the baseball and softball fields.
Buildings e & f demolition
This project is the demolision of buildings E and F on the Santa Maria campus. No space is identified for this project since it was already removed as part of the Fine Arts Complex Project.
Building o-300 demolition
This project is the demolision of building O-300 on the Santa Maria campus. No space is identified for this project since it was already removed as part of the Fine Arts Complex Project.
This new build provides an exterior shop canopy at the PCPA Marian Theatre.