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Basic Law Enforcement Academy

Basic Law Enforcement Academy 
LE321/LE322 (20 units)

Law enforcement students

Public Safety Training Complex
One Hancock Drive, Lompoc, CA 93436

The Allan Hancock College Law Enforcement Academy is one of the finest law enforcement basic training programs in the State of California. It is a full-time program that trains pre-service recruits that are either:

  • Independent - putting themselves through the academy (see Pre-Academy page).
  • Co-Sponsored - having some or all academy related expenses paid by an agency while attending the academy with the intention of being hired once the recruit graduates from the academy.
  • Sponsored - fully employed by a law enforcement agency and representing that agency while in the academy.
  • Information for ages 18-21. Read this first!

Law Enforcement: Basic Law Enforcement Academy - Certificate of Achievement

The Basic Law Enforcement Academy is designed to satisfy all State of California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) requirements for students wanting to be hired by a law enforcement agency or for newly hired peace officers. 

The Basic Law Enforcement Academy is a 22-week (862 hour) intensive course that is best described as a college course with strict para-military discipline.  Students attending the academy will be academically and physically challenged, faced with solving complex problems in a highly stressful, disciplined and structured environment. Recruits receive rigorous and challenging training in all phases of law enforcement. Prior to graduation, recruits must demonstrate acceptable proficiency in:

  • Human relations
  • Communication skills
  • Problem solving
  • Job knowledge
  • Professional reasoning
  • Physical Fitness
  • Firearms
  • Emergency Vehicle Operations
  • Arrest and Control skills
  • Scenario skills
  • Report Writing

The standards and values of the Law Enforcement Academy are high and very demanding. Those who are willing and capable of meeting the standards in academics, leadership ability, tactical skills, general performance, and physical ability will be certified to join the ranks of professional law enforcement.

Our Mission

To prepare students mentally, morally, emotionally and physically to enter and successfully complete a law enforcement agency's Field Training Officer program. The Law Enforcement Academy will:

  • Provide the highest quality training possible.
  • Provide a learning environment with consideration for safety.
  • Maintain a well-disciplined academic environment, resulting in highly disciplined graduates.
  • Provide a learning environment that is free from discrimination based on religion, race, sex, national origin or sexual orientation.

All graduating students will meet or exceed the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) professional standards and successfully pass all written and practical skill tests required for a California peace officer.  Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of a peace officer based upon principles of ethics, integrity, honesty, courage, self-discipline, determination, teamwork, compassion, and the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. Graduates also receive 20 college credits from Allan Hancock College. Course Syllabus pdf.

POST Learning Domain Workbooks

Basic Academy Dates

 ** Independents must attend the pre-academy as a pre-requisite **

You must contact the academy coordinator and schedule an interview when submitting your application (after pre-academy) Do not start the application process without coordinator approval.

 Basic Academy Class # 25-129 - Spring 2025   (Class 129 Schedule)

  • Pre-Academy:  March 22-23, 2025 for Fall 2025
  • Independent Application Enrollment Period: Opens September 23, 2024 and Closes October 23, 2024
  • Start: January 13, 2025
    • LE321 (10 units): 
    • LE322 (10 units): 
  • Graduation: June 11, 2025 
  • LE426 (.5 unit): Rifle Training: June 12-13, 2025 (sponsored recruits)

  Basic Academy Class # 25-130 - Fall 2025  (Class 130 Schedule) TBA

  • Pre-Academy:  September 2025 for Spring 2026
  • Independent Application Enrollment Period: Opens March 25, 2025 Closes April 25, 2025
  • Start: July 2025
    • LE321 (10 units): 
    • LE322 (10 units): 
  • Graduation: December 2025 
  • LE426 (.5 unit): Rifle Training: December 2025 (sponsored recruits)

 If you have questions regarding the pre-academy or the Full-time Basic Academy, contact one of the Academy Coordinators. Please do not call unless you first visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) link below:  

                                                                          (Frequently Asked Questions)

ACADEMY MANDATES for all recruits

  1. You may not enter or start the academy unless you are on a FULL DUTY status.
    1. You cannot start the academy on a "light duty" status.
    2. You cannot start the academy if you have any physical limitations.
  2. On the first day of the academy, arrive in business attire.  We will administer a physical fitness assessment test, which will consist of:
    1. Pull-ups (recruits are expected to do at least one pull-up)
    2. Sit-ups (2 minute time limit, recruits must do at least 35 sit-ups)
    3. Push-ups (no time limit, recruits must do at least 25 push-ups)
    4. 1.5 mile run (recruits must complete the run in 15 minutes or less)
    5. Beep test (recruits must reach stage 3)
    6. Failure to meet the above standards b-e, may determine the recruit's ability to continue in the academy.

ACADEMY PREPARATION for all recruits

  1. If you are serious about attending the academy, there are some things you can do ahead of time to enter the academy prepared. If you are in the background process, already hired or planning to attend as an independent recruit, please do the following. 
  2. Resources:
    1. Read as many POST Workbooks before the academy starts.  
    2. Recruit Manual, best to read before the academy starts.
    3. Report Writing Manual, successful recruits practice writing memos with a line guide (3/16).
    4. Report Forms, use to practice writing memos and autobiography.
    5. You will have to write out your 5-page autobiography and submit on Monday of week two. Write it now when you have time.
    6. Refer to the fitness guide to be ready on the first day fitness prep guide. Do not over-train!
    7. Refer to the guide to prepare (dates may vary) workbook and memorandum prep guide.

Academy Application Process for Independent Recruits

  1. You must attend & complete the Pre-Academy to be considered for the Law Enforcement Academy. During the Pre-Academy, you will take your PT Assessment and PELLET B test and achieve a minimum T-score of 42.
  2. Before you call and schedule your interview, you must do the following:
    1. Download, print (single-sided) and complete the Application Packet
    2. Download and complete the 2-251 POST Personal History Statement.  This must be submitted with your application. Recommend you type and save file, do not hand write.
    3. Complete your Live Scan and DOJ clearance. Request for Live Scan Service.
    4. Complete background check via Trusted Employees.
    5. See your physician and complete the medical exam.
  3. Call and schedule an interview.  Contact information is below.
  4. Bring your entire application packet and POST PHS (2-251) to the interview. 
  5. If you are approved to attend the academy, you will then:
    1. Register as an Allan Hancock Student and obtain your "H" number.
    2. Register for the appropriate school session. (Spring or Fall)
  6. Information for Veterans on benefits.
  7. Learning Assistance Program information.
  8. Counseling Department information. All students must be eligible to register for at least 20 units for the semester of academy attendance. 
  9. If you have any questions, contact one of the coordinators (contact info below).

If your application packet is approved, you will be notified and the course will be unblocked to allow you to register for the Law Enforcement Academy via myHancock. When registering online, you will be required to pay in full all college registration fees and Law Enforcement Academy course fees (approximately $2855). Additional costs: $700 (uniforms) and $250 (LD workbooks).

Academy Application Process for Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Recruits

  1. Agencies must complete the applicable application packet:
    Fully Sponsored (cost is paid by the agency)
    Co-Sponsored (shared cost by recruit and agency)
  2. Register as an Allan Hancock Student and obtain your student id number, #H number or submit a new application for the semester of attendance. 
  3. All sponsored/co-sponsored recruits must be eligible to register for 20 units/20.5 units (if attending Rifle Training) for the semester of academy attendance. Counseling Department Information.
  4. Bring your completed packet(s) to the Academy Office two weeks before the start of the academy. All recruits must be registered prior to the first day of class.
  5. The Law Enforcement Training Office will complete academy registration for LE321/LE322 for all sponsored/co-sponsored recruits upon receiving a completed application, 

For More Information

For additional information on admission requirements, academy expectations, program costs and pre-academy orientation contact:

Law Enforcement Training Office
Phone: 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3284

Any questions about the academy in general should be directed to one of the coordinators:

Marc Hammill at 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3861 (

Alison Martinez at 1-805-922-6966 ext. 3812 (

Law Enforcement Advisory Committee