Peace Officer Training

Allan Hancock College Law Enforcement Training offers the training required under section 832(a) of the California Penal Code for "limited function peace officers" per regulation 1005(a)(7) & (8) of the Commission on Peace Officer’s Standards and Training (POST). (See excerpts from definitions and sections below).
A "limited function peace officer" includes peace officers other than a regular police officer, sheriff’s deputy, or highway patrol officer. Some other public officials other than peace officers are also required to complete 832 PC training to exercise certain duties. Those required to complete 832 PC training generally include county probation and correctional officers, animal control officers, city and county park rangers, state hospital peace officers, special investigators of certain state departments and fire officials assigned as arson investigators and others who may need to issue citations for violations or make arrests for criminal offenses. Others taking the course include some federal officers working in California, such as forest rangers and Department of Defense police officers.
As this training is basic and introductory in scope, it is not unusual for ordinary citizens and students interested in or exploring law enforcement as a possible profession to enroll in 832 PC training. In some cases, completion of 832 PC training is strongly recommended or required prior to submission of an application for employment. A minimum level of physical ability is necessary for the arrest and firearms skills involved.
POST policy provides that 832 PC Training can be delivered in two formats: either a single 64 hour course covering both the Arrest portion and the Firearms portion, or in two separate courses: one course of 40 hours for the Arrest portion and a second course of 24 hours for Firearms. At Allan Hancock College, 832 PC training is delivered in two separate courses.
832 PC Arrest Training (No firearms) (40 hours)
This first course is generally offered each semester in both the weeklong, Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm course and in a weeknight course, 6pm to 10pm, spanning two weeks. The evening course is usually offered at the Atascadero State Hospital Training Facility.
PC Arrest Training consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction (and final exam) covering topics such as Professionalism and Ethics, Criminal Law, Search and Seizure, Report Writing, Investigation, and Laws Of Arrest. The classroom portion culminates in a comprehensive, 90 question (approximate) multiple choice, state constructed examination that tests each of the required learning domains given over a two-hour period. The minimum passing score for the examination is 75%. The written test is based on the information provided in the POST workbooks designed for this course. You can download the workbooks here: POST 832 Workbooks (the file is password protected - contact the coordinator after you have accepted into the course)
The last ten hours of the course is spent learning and practicing physical arrest methods, including searching, handcuffing, and control holds. In the final hours, each student participates in a practical evaluation, demonstrating competence in performance of the skills they have learned. The practical evaluation is graded on a pass/fail basis.
If a student fails either the written examination or the skills evaluation, POST regulations provide for a single re-test. Re-tests are arranged on an as-needed basis by the course coordinator, and must be completed before the end of the academic semester, but no later than 90 days after the date of failure.
832 PC Firearms Training (24 hours)
This course is offered as a second course to PC Arrest Training for the final 24 hours of instruction and is generally offered at least once or twice each semester over three consecutive weekdays, usually Tuesday – Thursday. The training is limited to handgun techniques only; no rifle or shotgun training is provided. The first day is spent in the classroom and includes hands on familiarization of the firearm. Days two and three are spent on a local firing range. On the final day, the student must qualify with the firearm by successfully passing a state-standardized course of fire. As with the Arrest portion of the course, a single retest is allowed.
Firearms and all ammunition, materials and safety equipment are provided in this course and are covered by the course materials fees. By arrangement with the course coordinator, agency-owned, approved and maintained firearms and ammunition may be used by the agency-sponsored student, but independent students will not be permitted to use their privately owned firearm or ammunition in this course.
State law (PC 13511.5) requires that prior to enrollment in the firearms course, non-sponsored students obtain a firearms clearance through a criminal records check conducted by submission of fingerprints. The fingerprint check is submitted through the LiveScan system and usually costs the student between $90 and $100 (approximately).
POST 832 Firearms Workbook (the file is password protected - contact the coordinator after you have been accepted into the course)
Relevant portions of the referenced statutes or regulations are provided below:
832. (a) Every person described in this chapter as a peace officer shall satisfactorily
complete an introductory course of training prescribed by the Commission on Peace
Officer Standards and Training. On or after July 1, 1989, satisfactory completion
of the course shall be demonstrated by passage of an appropriate examination developed
or approved by the commission. Training in the carrying and use of firearms shall
not be required of any peace officer whose employing agency prohibits the use of firearms.
(b) (1) Every peace officer described in this chapter, prior to the exercise of the
powers of a peace officer, shall have satisfactorily completed the course of training
described in subdivision (a).
13511.5. Each applicant for admission to a basic course of training certified by the Commission
on Peace Officer Standards and Training that includes the carrying and use of firearms,
as prescribed by subdivision (a) of Section 832 and subdivision (a) of Section 832.3,
who is not sponsored by a local or other law enforcement agency, or is not a peace
officer employed by a state or local agency, department, or district, shall be required
to submit written certification from the Department of Justice pursuant to Sections
11122, 11123, and 11124 that the applicant has no criminal history background which
would disqualify him or her, pursuant to state or federal law, from owning, possessing,
or having under their control a firearm.
California POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training) Regulations
1001. Definitions
"Limited Function Peace Officer"
is a deputy sheriff, regularly employed and paid as such, of a county, a police officer
of a city, a police officer of a district authorized by statute to maintain a police
department, who is designated on or prior to June 30, 1985, to be a peace officer
as described in Penal Code section 830.1(c), and is employed to perform duties other than the prevention and detection of crime and the general enforcement of the criminal
laws of the state. [ Emphasis
1005. Minimum Standards for Training
(a) Minimum Entry-Level Standards (Required)
(7) Every limited function peace officer shall satisfactorily meet the training requirements
of the PC 832 Arrest and Firearms Course; except training in the carrying and use
of firearms shall not be required when an employing agency prohibits limited function
peace officers the use of firearms.
(8) Every peace officer prior to exercising peace officer powers shall complete the
requirements of Penal Code section 832, which may be part of the minimum basic training
standard or a separately certified course.