Title V
Title V Grant Overview
The Title V-HSI grant is competitively awarded by the Office of Post-Secondary Education via the Department of Education to eligible Hispanic-Serving Institutions. This grant provides supplemental funding and support to HSIs in fostering student support services and professional development opportunities.
Allan Hancock College was one of the few California community colleges to be awarded the Title V-HSI Grant in 2020 for $2.4 million under the title "Fostering Completion, Individualized Paths, & Skill Development in Underrepresented Students". Under Yvonne Teniente, Dean of Student Services, and Mary Patrick, Dean of Academic Affairs, this large-scale project is meant to support diverse, under-served and marginalized student populations with various support services and initiatives that include:
- community outreach that help local K-12 students on the journey to college,
- additional embedded counseling and tutoring support within classrooms,
- additional scholarship funds,
- a comprehensive financial literacy program, as well as
- a network of multi-culturally competent faculty and staff that is reflective of its student population
In the Fall of 2014, the U.S. Department of Education: Developing Hispanic‐Serving Institutions Program awarded Allan Hancock College a $2.4 million, five‐year grant. The grant, Advance, Innovate, Maintain (AIM) was developed to assist the neediest students at AHC feel connected, directed, nurtured, focused, valued, and engaged. The overarching themes of AIM include Advancement, both in terms of student progress and success, and in resource development to support them; Innovation, in pedagogy and technology as well as re-envisioning development‐focused organizational structures; and Maintaining successful strategies in approaches to student persistence and success.
- Dr. Kevin G. Walthers – Certifying Official: Ext. 3223
- Yvonne Teniente – Title V Project Co-Director: Ext. 3771
- Dr. Mary Patrick – Title V Project Co-Director: Ext. 3475
- Melissa Rudder (Voita) – Title V Grant Coordinator: Ext. 3681
- Elaine Healy – Embedded Tutor Project Coordinator: Ext. 3767
- Benjamin Britten – Embedded Counseling Faculty Coordinator: Ext. 3942
- Julia Raybould-Rodgers – English Embedded Student Tutor Coordinator: Ext. 3780
- Liz West – Mathematical Sciences Faculty Embedded Student Tutor Coordinator: Ext. 3279
- Feride Schroeder – Science Faculty Embedded Student Tutor Coordinator: Ext. 3837
Grant activities consist of various campus and community collaborations that are meant to support all students:
- Embedded Counseling in classrooms: Counselors come to the students in the classroom and provide guidance, support, and academic advice
- Embedded Tutoring in classrooms: Peer tutors, peer mentors, and Hispanic Student Ambassadors mentor other students to support instruction and provide extra assistance outside of the classroom.
- Financial Wellness training and workshops for students: Workshops and resources are developed to help students better understand and respond to the importance of personal financial wellness education.
- A faculty-to-faculty professional development based on multicultural competency, equity, and inclusion: Professional development to foster equitable and inclusive practices across the Allan Hancock campuses.
The Title-HSI grant goals and objectives would not be able to come to fruition without the help of dedicated campus and community partnerships:
- Dr. Kevin Walthers, Allan Hancock College Superintendent/President
- Dr. Paul Murphy, Vice President
- Dr. Genevieve Siwabessy, Vice President
- Dr. Robert Curry, Vice President
- Jon Hooten, Executive Director AHC Foundation
- AIM to Dream Center
- Student Ambassadors
- Guided Pathways - Roadmaps to Success
- STEM Center & MESA Centers
- Tutorial Center
- Student Equity and Achievement Program
- California Community College Chancellor's Office
- St. Joseph High School
- Olive Grove Charter School
- Family Partnership Charter School
- Santa Maria Joint Union High School District
- Lompoc Unified School District
- Orcutt Union School District
- Santa Ynez Valley Union High School District
- Are you interested in serving as a Title V Student Ambassador? Contact Melissa Rudder (Voita) to learn more about working in this dynamic position on campus!
- Are you a student struggling with financial stress? Financial wellness workshops, money management text messages, and 1:1 help is available on campus! Contact Melissa Rudder (Voita) to learn more about ways you can reduce financial fragility and financial stress.
- Hancock Academy will be offering Professional Development workshops for Staff and Faculty this Spring 2023 semester, please contact Melissa Rudder (Voita) to learn more about participating!