Title V Professional Development
Developing Programming to Improve Equitable Outcomes
"Hancock Academy" creates a brave space for faculty to explore, discuss, and collaborate
with colleagues about topics related to developing culturally responsive pedagogy.
Faculty are encouraged to participate in this Canvas-based professional development
series that offers a 12-hour stipend or PD hours based off successful completion of
the course.
Please contact Melissa Rudder (Voita), Title V Grant Coordinator, to learn more!
Beginning Fall 2021, faculty began participating in professional development activities to build competency in cultural awareness, application andragogy, and career planning/awareness.
Short and long-term outcomes are listed:
- a development of a peer-to-peer faculty professional development network;
- increased cultural responsiveness in curriculum and teaching practice with application of increased pedagogy;
- increased retention and persistence;
- decrease drop-outs;
- increased cultural awareness reflection in curriculum and practice.
- Introduction to Equity in the Classroom
- Accessibility in Higher Education
- Pedagogy and Innovation in the Classroom
- Financial Wellness
- Moving Forward with Equity
- Equity in the Classroom
- Developing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Please contact Melissa Rudder (Voita) if you are interested in learning more.