Resources for Faculty
Writing faculty assist students with writing assignments across all disciplines. We
encourage faculty from all departments to invite students to visit the Writing Center
for support with any type of writing assignment. The Writing Center also consults
with faculty on developing writing assignments and responding to student work.
What We Do:
- Meet with your students
Writing Center faculty work with students enrolled in courses in all disciplines to provide assistance on any writing assignment at any point in the writing process. No appointment needed. View our promotional tips below to discover ways to encourage your students to visit the Writing Center.
- Visit your class and host tours
We are happy to visit your class to provide an overview of Writing Center services. If you would like to arrange a visit, request a class presentation, or have us participate in an event, please use the form below:
- Provide consultations on developing writing assignments for your class
Writing Center faculty will discuss with you ideas on developing writing assignments and providing feedback on student writing. Email to schedule a time to meet with Writing Center faculty.
Promotional Tips for Faculty:
- Bring your class on a tour of the Writing Center or invite Writing Center staff to visit your class. Please submit a request to schedule a visit.
- Include information about the Writing Center on your syllabus. See sample text for your syllabus.
- Print a flyer to post on your door.
- Refer to our summer session flyer to promote our summer services.
- Incorporate the Writing Center into your assignments by recommending students visit the Writing Center as part of an assignment.
- Use a referral form to send with your student to the Writing Center (not required).
- Use a student/tutor response sheet to allow for faculty tutor feedback after a tutoring session.
- Contact us at to discuss ways we can support your students.