"How-to" Instructions
AHC Writing Center Orientation
Welcome to the AHC Writing Center! To learn about our services and online resources,
click on the video link to watch a brief video. If you you have any further questions,
feel free to ask in our webpage chat box!
How to Register with the Writing Center
Ready to make use of our Writing Center resources? Click on the video link to watch
a step-by-step approach to registering for our free, noncredit "Reading and Writing
Lab" (CRN 40962). Registering is the first step to accessing our services.
How to Connect with a Writing Instructor
Now that you've registered for the Writing Center, you can feel free to connect with
a writing instructor. Click on the video link to learn how!
How to Use Zoom
Now that you know how to connect with our writing instructors, you might need to review
how to use Zoom. Watch this short video to prepare for your next Zoom meeting!
How to Access Microsoft Online Tools
As an AHC student, your "myHancock" account connects you with the Microsoft 365 apps.
Click on the video link to learn how to access these useful tools!
How to Set Up an MLA Document in Word
For those of you who are tasked with writing an MLA styled paper, you may be wondering
how to begin formatting a Word Document. Click on the video link to set up your own
MLA template!
How to Set Up an MLA Works Cited Page
Now that you know how set up an MLA Word Document, you'll have make sure your Works
Cited page is also set to MLA guidelines. Click on the video link and follow the steps!

AHC Writing Center: "Writing Tips with Lillian"
1. Fragment Sentence (Without a Subject)
2. Fragment Sentence (Without an Object)
3. It's versus Its 4. When to Spell Out Numbers
5. Then versus Than 6. Who versus Whom
7. Whose versus Who's 8. Either, Or/Neither, Nor
9. When to Use a Semicolon 10. When to Underline, Italicize, and use Quotation Marks
11. Essay Quote Integration
12.Thesis Statements 13. Essay Verb Tense