Spanish Prerequisite Appeals
Prerequisite: A prerequisite is a course (or equivalent skills or prior experience) that a student must complete with a grade of “C” or better (or possess) before enrolling in a more advanced course. A prerequisite is a course needed before a student may register for a subsequent course. If a student believes the prerequisite has been met by other means, an appeal for prerequisite equivalency can be filed with the dean of counseling and matriculation.
If you are a Heritage Speaker or Native Speaker of Spanish or believe you have the knowledge and skills to challenge a Spanish course, you will need to complete the Prerequisite and/or Corequisite Appeal form and submit it along with required supporting documentation to the Office of the Dean, Student Services, Building A, by the scheduled deadline (see academic calendar for deadlines).
Prerequisite and/or Corequisite Appeal Form: Prerequisite and/or Corequisite Appeal Form
For more information, contact:
Ana M. Gómez de Torres, Ed.D
805-922-6966, ext. 3833
C-301, Santa Maria campus