Spanish Credit by Examination
SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish and SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish
(Offered in Fall & Spring Semester only)
The process is the following:
- The student will complete and gather all the signatures of the Credit by Examination form. The form must be completed and submitted the third week of the semester if not sooner (please refer to the academic calendar for deadlines).
Go to the following link to have access to the form:
Application for Credit by Examination
- The student makes an appointment with Assistant Professor Claudia Díaz to turn in the completed form and to receive guidance on what to study for the exam. You may come to her office (C-303).
- The faculty will schedule a meeting for the student to take the exam. Usually, this takes place close to finals week, but if you want to take it earlier, you would have to let the faculty know what is the best day for you so she can check her availability.
- The faculty submits the exam results to A&R along with the completed Credit by Examination form.
Spanish 101 & 102 Study Guides:
If you have any questions or concerns about the Credit by Examination exam or the content of the study guide, contact:
Claudia Díaz, M.A.
805-922-6966 ext. 3431
C-303, Santa Maria campus