Spanish Debate Team
¡Bienvenidos al equipo de debate en español de AHC!
The AHC Spanish Debate Team provides the opportunity to prepare students to improve and demonstrate their public speaking, reading, and writing skills. The ability examine various motions, to do research and use critical thinking skills are also developed and improved. The benefits of participating in a debate group are valuable to our AHC students, which will help to develop academic, professional and personal communication skills in Spanish. These tools will be beneficial to them to be able to engage in our community and lead by example.
AHC Spanish Debated Team first started in fall 2017. AHC debaters participating at the Spanish debate competition, called, Los Legados de Valladolid, hosted by Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo have earned first and second place in previous years. Every year in the Fall semester, the AHC Spanish Debate Team hosts the Equinos Chatos competition, where the Cal Poly and AHC teams have the opportunity to debate a motion and present it to the community.
To read about former debates, please read this article: Santa Maria Times Article
Students can fulfill the SPAN 189: Independent Project requirement when participating in the AHC Spanish Debate Team. NOTE: SPAN 189 is
a required course to earn a Certificate of Accomplishment in Spanish below.
- Spanish Language Skills: Elementary Level - Certificate of Accomplishment
- Spanish Language Skills: Intermediate Level - Certificate of Accomplishment
- Spanish Language Skills: Advanced Level - Certificate of Accomplishment
Spanish faculty, Dr. Ana Gómez de Torres and Claudia Díaz, invite students to participate in the Spanish Debate Team to improve their critical thinking, communication, and public speaking skills.
SPRING 2021 Meetings:
Th: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please, contact the professor for the Zoom link/ID.
For more information, contact:
Ana M. Gómez de Torres, Ed.D
805-922-6966 ext. 3833
C-301, Santa Maria campus
Claudia Díaz, M.A.
805-922-6966 ext. 3431
C-303, Santa Maria campus