Pass/No Pass Grade Option
Pass/No Pass Grading Policy
Students may elect whether the basis of evaluation is a pass/no pass or a letter grade
no later than the last day of instruction for a course. Pass/no pass courses are designated
in the catalog's Announcement of Courses section.
A student may elect the pass/no pass option during online registration or by completing
a pass/no pass online form to the Admissions and Records by the last day of instruction
for the course, which is also published in the schedule of classes. A student who
has declared this option may not later rescind that choice at a later date.
It is the student's responsibility to check the college catalog or with a counselor to verify that the course is offered with the pass/no pass option. The grades assigned to students electing the option will be P (pass) for those who have attained course objectives to the satisfaction of the instructor, NP (no pass) for those who have not attained the course objectives, or I (incomplete). The mechanics of pass/no pass grading are as follows:
Students who perform at a level equivalent to A, B, or C will receive the grade of P. Students will be awarded units for the course but their grade point averages will not be affected.
- Students who perform at a level equivalent to D or F will receive NP as a grade. No units will be granted and no grade points will be awarded.
- For classes starting after the beginning of the semester or term, the option must be declared at the time of enrollment.
Limitations on Pass/No Pass Grades
Students transferring to four-year schools should not elect more than one class per semester for pass/no pass. No more than 16 units of P graded courses may be applied toward an AA/AS degree.
How to select the Pass/No Pass option
Please complete the Pass/No Pass Form (must be logged into myHancock).
For questions, please contact