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Library Services and Resources

The following services and resources are available in your Santa Maria and Lompoc Valley Center Libraries

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Expert Research Assistance

Need help getting started on a research project? Stuck in a database? Librarians can help guide students with research and other library needs. Use our Ask a Librarian E-reference service or book a virtual consultation with us. Or, try one of our research guides to get started. 

Online Orientation 

Looking to learn about the library from the comfort of your own home? Try our online library orientation modules and explore the in's and out's of the library:

Allan Hancock College Library Orientation - Module 1: An Unexpected Loan
In this module we will introduce the library and basic guidelines

Allan Hancock College Library Orientation - Module 2: A Morbid Taste for Books
In this module we will introduce the library catalog, OneSearch, library website features and more!

Allan Hancock College Library Orientation - Module 3: The Librarian Always Cites Twice
In this final module we will explore library databases and basic research tips

Research Workshops

Watch our library workshop videos to learn about the catalog, specific databases, creating a thesis, and more! Find the full list on our Research Page under the Research Workshops tab

Class Library Orientations

Instructors may bring classes in for research assistance for term papers or projects. The instructor should fill out our online form or contact the Reference Desk (Santa Maria- x3322, Lompoc - x5223) at least three days in advance for an appointment.

Library Instruction

Interested in honing your library research skills? Enroll in one of courses! Offered online each semester, LBRY 170: Research Methods and LBRY 180: Advanced Research courses are taught by AHC librarians. Learn more about why we teach and each course on our Library Instruction page

Computer Access

Open Access Computer Labs (OACL) on both campuses provide computers for word-processing, printing, research, emailing your instructor, Canvas access, and more. The Santa Maria OACL is located in the ARC. The Lompoc Valley Center OACL is located in the LIbrary. 


Wireless access for laptops and electronic devices is available at both campus libraries with your myHancock login/password.

Tutoring and Writing Help

Tutoring and writing help is available in the Academic Resource Center. Contact your tutorial center in Santa Maria, located in the ARC, Bldg L, or  the Lompoc Valley Center in the Library. (Santa Maria- x3260, Lompoc - x5322) 


Want to donate books to the library? The library does accept limited donations, however, we ask that you do not drop them off without first speaking with a librarian. Please email us at for more information and instructions. Please see the AHC Board Policy/AP 3820 for specific information regarding the donation of library materials- pg. 4.

Have more questions? Please see our full list of FAQs and Guidelines

Library Map-SM

Library Map


Email us at  or call ext. 3683 (Santa Maria) or 5224 (Lompoc).